
Middlesex University London - Interior Architecture

Exhibiting at Summer Show 2023 - Exhibition

Exhibiting at Re-Define 2021

BA (Hons) Interior Architecture

About the course

The practice of interiors is frequently described as ‘placemaking’, which demands an explicit articulation of the functional, physical and experiential relationships between the existing and original, and the new, imagined and sustainable re-use of the built environment. The subject of ‘the interior’ is explored at Middlesex in two closely related but distinct courses, BA Interior Architecture and BA Interior Design

BA (Hons) Interior Architecture

Interior Architecture challenges the existing architectural fabric and context, remodelling space through architectural intervention. It is inclined towards a language that questions the idea of interiority relative to a variety of scales, from room, to building, to city.

The Interior Architecture programme is centrally concerned with the adaptation and remodelling of existing buildings. It bridges the practices of interior design and architecture, sometimes dealing with complex structural, environmental and servicing problems. The course encompasses a diverse range of project and building types and engages with both single and multi-functional use within public, private and commercial realms.

Programme Leader Interior Architecture:
Francesca Murialdo -